Board Meetings are Scheduled For The Second Wednesday of Each Month Unless Noted Below.

Special BOD Meeting

Tuesday July 30th

Click Here For Agenda/Board Packet

Board Minutes - Select Range

1937 - 1939

1940 - 1949

1950 - 1959

1960 - 1969

1970 - 1979

1980 - 1989

1990 - 1999

2000 - 2009

2010 - 2019

2020 - 2029

District Board Minutes

Board meetings are held so members of the board of directors can make decisions regarding the direction of the district. The board is comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and additional officers. Often board meetings are held publicly, though frequently only the board members attend. Board members vote on decisions regarding the District and there normally must be a quorum in order for the meeting to be considered legal. A quorum, unless otherwise defined by the board represents at least half of the board members.

During board meetings, the secretary records all discussion and actions taken by the board, called the minutes. The secretary will then type up the minutes, which usually must be filed and kept in case there is any government investigation of the board at a later date. Minutes also may need to be presented to the public should there be a request for such from the public.

Board Of Directors - Election Terms